General Director
Born in 1979 in the Kyzylorda region, the village of Shieli.
In 2000 he graduated from the Kyzylorda State University named after. Korkyt-Ata, majoring in Mechanization of agricultural production.
In 2008 he graduated from the Kazakh Automobile and Road University. L.B. Goncharova, Bachelor of Civil Engineering (mechanization, power supply and automation).
In 2018 he graduated from Taraz State University named after. M.Kh.Dulati majoring in Electric Power Engineering.
He began his career in 2001 as an electrician of the 5th category distribution network in the Shieli branch of KREK JSC.
2002-2005 technician under contracts of Shieli Zharygy LLP.
2006-2008 controller of energy supervision of the subscriber service of Shieli-Energoservice LLP
2008-2010 power engineer of the production department of Shieli-Energoservice LLP.
2010-2011 Engineer-controller "TOO Uranenergo"
2011-2015 Head of the Central Service for Dispatch and Process Control Facilities of Uranenergo LLP
2015-2018 engineer of the production and technical department of Uranenergo LLP.
2018-2021 head of the production and technical department of Uranenergo LLP.
2021-2022 Chief Engineer of the Energy Complex of PP Uranenergo LLP.
On December 22, 2022, he was appointed to the position of Deputy General Director for Production Issues of Uranenergo LLP.
The total experience is more than 26 years, in the system of NAC Kazatomprom JSC more than 16 years.
Awarded with certificates of honor from KazEnergy and NAC Kazatomprom JSC.